StandUpLD Ask An Expert - Round Table Event

Join us for interactive roundtable discussions with experienced professionals and parents on your choice of topics, each rotation will be approximately 15 minutes. This event is more geared for parents and teachers than it is for students.

StandUpLD events are not possible without volunteers. If you can help us with this or any other event please send us a private message.

Diagnostic Evaluations
Preparing for College
Speech & Language
Homeschooling LD/ADHD
Dyslexia Instruction
Homework strategies
Social & Emotional

Please help us spread the word! See you soon!


June Shelton School and Evaluation Center

15720 Hillcrest Rd, Dallas, TX 75248


Monday, April 29th, 2019 at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Stand UP LD Is..

a non-profit support network for parents and educators seeking resources to support and inspire children with learning differences.

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