Heather is the Founder & Board President of StandUpLD a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving LD families. The mission of StandUpLD is to inspire students, educate parents, and support their teachers. In addition to her nonprofit Heather is the mother to four young children all dyslexic. Heather started organizing parent support groups in 2013 when her oldest was identified with dyslexia, these efforts later grew into the nonprofit StandUpLD in 2016. She is not new to advocacy or school struggles, as she herself has dyscalculia, and had to advocate for herself to receive accommodations in college math. Heather now holds a bachelor’s degree in Social science from the University of the Ozarks. Heather is also married to Eric McGehearty a successful adult dyslexic, who serves as the Spokesperson for StandUpLD.